All about the Sunshine Vitamin (Vitamin D3)

Vitamin D is a powerhouse that your body needs to function properly. Because of its nature, however, it’s difficult to know if you’re getting enough of it in your diet. Therefore, it’s important to get regular injections of vitamin D when you don’t consume enough of it naturally in your diet.

What Is Vitamin D?

Although vitamin D is technically not a vitamin, it is a type of fat-soluble hormone that our bodies produce by converting the rays of the sun into vitamin D. To get enough vitamin D from the sun, you need to expose your skin to the sun for long periods of time. When you wear sunscreen, though, it blocks out the sun’s rays. This prevents the sun’s rays from converting to vitamin D, and so it is harder to get enough vitamin D from sunlight.

People who don’t get enough vitamin D in their diets may supplement with a vitamin D tablet. Those who work outdoors or live near large bodies of water may benefit from sunlight, which is the best source of vitamin D.

There are two types of vitamin D supplements:

● Vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol)

● Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol)

Vitamin D3 is often used as a supplement, because it does a better job of raising the blood levels of vitamin D. Vitamin D can be found in many forms including oral pills, tablet or liquid and IM injections. However, one of the easiest ways to obtain Vitamin D is through a Vitamin D injection.

What are vitamin D3 shots?

When injected into muscle, vitamin D3 quickly enters the bloodstream for maximum absorption. It’s not surprising that the intramuscular injection is the most common way to take vitamin D3. We begin by cleansing the injection site, which is typically the deltoid muscle in your arm. Then, we rapidly inject vitamin D, and then apply light pressure to the site before covering it with gauze or a bandage. Some people may feel slight discomfort after the shot, but it should go away soon, and you can still go about your normal activities. With this injection, though, the majority of people react by saying "that was it?!" It's a very well-tolerated injection as it is just a small amount of fluid injected into the muscle.

Vitamin D3 Injection Benefits and Uses

Injections can improve your well-being because Vitamin D is so important to the body. Among the benefits are:

Strong bones- Vitamin D helps prevent brittle, weak bones, and helps prevent osteoporosis, because it helps

the body absorb calcium. It’s also important for muscle strength and healthy bones. If you don’t get enough vitamin D, it can cause bone pain and muscle weakness.

A healthy heart- Vitamin D may play a role in maintaining healthy blood vessels and lowering cholesterol to prevent atherosclerosis, which may lead to heart disease.

A responsive immune system- Although Vitamin D is helpful with immune support, it may also be helpful with easing the

symptoms of autoimmune diseases such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis and others.

Elevated mood- Some researchers believe that Vitamin D helps people who struggle with mood disorders, such as depression, because low blood levels of vitamin D have been associated with symptoms of depression.

Cognitive health- Researchers have discovered that the brain has many vitamin D receptors, and it’s crucial not just for developing babies’ brains in-utero but also for maintaining cognitive function throughout life.

Diabetes and weight loss support- Studies show that people who have lower levels of vitamin D tend to have higher rates of diabetes and obesity. It’s suggested that the removal of a vitamin D deficiency may help people manage diabetes and weight loss.

There are a lot of health benefits to taking a vitamin D shot, and some people are better equipped to take advantage of these benefits than others. Those with a vitamin D deficiency may:

● Lack of sun exposure to naturally produce vitamin D

● Be of advanced age, as the ability to make vitamin D decreases as we get older

● Have fat absorption disorders such as celiac disease or Crohn’s disease

● Have darker skin tones, which don’t naturally produce as much vitamin D

Injections vs. Supplements

IM injections are better than the typical oral supplements, as pills, tablets, and liquids must first be digested before they enter the bloodstream and injections get absorbed right away. When you take supplements orally, you do not actually absorb all of what you take, whereas when you supplement via injection, you are getting full and immediate absorption!

Should I Get an injection of Vitamin D?

Although getting injections of vitamin D may be wise if you have risk factors for a vitamin D deficiency, you may also want to get an injection if you experience symptoms of vitamin D deficiency, such as:

● Fatigue

● Weak bones

● Weight gain

● Sleep issues

● Headaches

● Depression symptoms

● Digestive problems

Talk to your doctor before getting a vitamin D shot. Make sure you tell the injection provider if you are taking any medications that may affect your ability to take a vitamin D injection.

By site-scbl9g January 16, 2023
Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD+)
By site-scbl9g December 27, 2022
If you frequently experience the triggers of professional pressures, competitiveness, and social obligations, you’ll get stuck in the stress response; Epinephrine, dopamine, and norepinephrine cause your brain to feel “fight or flight” mode 24/7. This keeps you tense, anxious, and ready to run away from danger. It’s normal, but it’s hard to manage when there isn’t a physical threat. ● A racing heart. ● Heightened senses. ● Tightened muscles. ● Quickened breaths. ● Constricted blood vessels. You evolved to live with some amount of stress. But if you experience chronic stress, it will affect your bodily systems, especially your immune response. Signs You Are Stressed Chronic stress affects cognitive ability, emotions, physical health and behaviors including: ● Achy or painful muscles ● Anxiety ● Appetite changes ● Clenched jaw or grinding teeth ● Depression ● Feeling overwhelmed ● Headaches ● Insomnia ● Irritability ● Poor focus ● Reduced energy ● Upper respiratory infections ● Upset stomach Chronic stress can lead to these health problems: ● Cognitive dysfunction ● Depression ● Digestive problems ● Heart disease and hypertension ● Insulin resistance ● Mood disorders ● Reproductive disorders ● Sexual dysfunction ● Skin and hair problems ● Unwanted weight gain or obesity At-Home Treatments for Stress It is important to try home remedies to help deal with chronic stress. Here are some tips on how to do so. ● Exercising: Regular exercise reduces your chances for anxiety and lowers your stress hormones while releasing endorphins. It also improves body confidence and sleep quality. ● Reducing your caffeine intake: Since caffeine is a stimulant, high doses can increase anxiety. If caffeine makes you feel anxious or jittery, cut down on your consumption. ● Journaling: Writing your thoughts down helps you work through your problems, and noting what you’re grateful for relieves anxiety and stress. ● Socializing with family and friends: Social support gives you a sense of self-worth and belonging and releases oxytocin, a natural stress reliever. Hanging out with your loved ones — or “tend and befriend” — is the opposite of the fight-or-flight response. ● Spending time with your pet: Playing with your pet releases oxytocin, which creates a positive mood. A pet is also a companion who gives you purpose while keeping you active, which reduces anxiety. How does IV therapy work to relieve stress? When there is a lot of chronic stress, a certain neurotransmitter causes the fight-or-flight response. However, other neurotransmitters like gamma-aminobutyric acid and serotonin encourage people to be calm and stress free. IV wellness therapy may help in: ● Reducing anxiety. ● Boosting your immune system. ● Relaxing your bodily systems. ● Elevating your mood. ● Promoting productive sleep. ● Enhancing focus. The correct nutrients encourage the production of these helpful neurotransmitters so that they work better; so giving your body these nutrients will boost the production of these chemicals. Although IV therapy for stress management uses vitamin and nutrient combinations to balance your body and boost your mood, the method of directly delivering the mixture to your bloodstream means most people feel the benefits immediately or shortly after the infusion is complete. These are some of the ingredients we offer in our IV blends that reduces the symptoms of chronic stress. ● B complex: B vitamins convert dietary energy into the form of energy the body needs to combat fatigue and low-energy feelings. It also improves mental health and decreases stress. ● Vitamin B12: Vitamin B12 is essential for your body’s metabolism, which is necessary for creating energy. It also helps your body produce blood and nerve cells that reduce fatigue. ● Vitamin C: Vitamin C supports the adrenal gland, which modulates stress responses and reduces fatigue. As an antioxidant, it improves energy and immune function. ● Magnesium: Magnesium boosts your energy while reducing your chances for headaches, migraines and chronic pain ● Glutathione: Glutathione plays a role in tissue building and repair and chemical and protein creation. It also boosts your immune system.  ● NAD+: Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide is a coenzyme that turns nutrients into energy for metabolism. ● Zinc: Zinc is a mineral that boosts immune function and reduces depression. Stress Relief Drip IV Therapy from Thurston For Wellness While at-home treatments may be effective, you may need something more to reduce your chronic stress symptoms. Perhaps a regular IV therapy is the best option for you. Check out our Signature and Premium IV blends which all contain amazing vitamins and nutrients to assist with stress management. Our best-seller is the Myers’ Cocktail ! We understand that your stress symptoms may be keeping you from getting out of your house. So we’re offering mobile infusion services that will let our nurses come to you to administer intravenous therapy, relieve your stress symptoms, and get you feeling lively and energetic again. Schedule your stress-relief drip with Thurston For Wellness now!
By site-scbl9g December 26, 2022
Everyone wants to feel their best. In the midst of recent events and the resulting upheaval, people are increasingly looking for ways to improve their overall well-being. Whether you’re suffering from a chronic illness that makes you feel sicker every day or you just want to feel more energetic and healthy, this cocktail can help. What is the Myers' Cocktail? The Myers' Cocktail IV therapy was developed in the early 1960s by Dr. John Myers. He designed this protocol to provide patients with vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that are essential to the proper functioning of their bodies. Through this treatment, people suffering from chronic health concerns such as fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, recurring migraines, and sleep disturbances receive a high dose of B and C vitamins, magnesium, calcium, and other nutrients. These high doses of nutrients are delivered directly to the mitochondria in their cells. For decades, the Myers' Cocktail IV therapy protocol has been an essential part of treatment for millions with health concerns and chronic conditions. Now, this breakthrough therapy can help almost anyone seeking a holistic sense of health and well-being. Speedy delivery of nutrients, vitamins and minerals at a far higher level than could ever be achieved orally can and often does lead to life-changing results. Where to Get the Myers' Cocktail IV Drip Therapy We offer an extensive variety of services to ensure you receive the proper nutrients, vitamins, and minerals needed to keep your body healthy. We proudly provide you with the Myers' Cocktail which is listed as "For Overall Wellness" on our menu.
December 20, 2022
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